
Tripurna Fressh Eazy


Key Benefits:

  • Regulates bowel movement and digestive system
  • Facilitates detoxification of the body
  • Effective relief from constipation




It’s an old saying that most diseases start from an unhealthy stomach.

Realizing the need of pure herbal remedy for maintaining healthy gut, VEDSHAKTI HEALTHCARE has introduced TRIPURNA Fressh Eazy– a natural laxative powder.

TRIPURNA Fressh Eazy is a natural laxative powder prepared with 8 ayurvedic herbs that works well to provide relief from all kinds of stomach problems like constipation, acidity, gastritis, irritated bowel movements. Its list of rich ingredients includes- Ajwain, Senna, Nisot, Sendha Namak, Kala Namak, Svarjiksara, Haritaki, and Saunf.

The ingredients used in TRIPURNA Fressh Eazy are selectively picked up. Each ingredient used in this laxative powder has its specialty and when mixed results this powerful and effective natural laxative.

A blend of 8 herbs helps to tackle problems by removing toxic substances from the digestive tract, easing bowel movements, and maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Prepared under safety guidelines, TRIPURNA Fressh Eazy is purely herbal and is safe to be used by whole family, be it old or young as it also ensures proper cleansing of the gut and relieving constipation.

Recommended Use:

  • 5 gm. With normal water as and when required, or as directed by physician.


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